Lower Turtle Lake Poker Run 2023
Saturday July 22
Runs from noon to 2pm
2023 Poker Run will start at 12 noon until 2pm. Drawing of cards will start 2:30 at 397 12 3/4 ave Bob & Denise Peltier. Last cards drawn at 3:30.
Tunes on the Lake Music will follow at 363 12 3/4 Gary and Kris Rother’s from 4-8. Bring your boats down to listen to music!
We currently have 6 Docks but the more docks the more cards you get to draw! Each dock host gets 4 cards.
Docks will have a sign on the end of their docks at the start of game.
Cards are $5 each and you may purchase as many as you want but need to be present to win.