Lower Turtle Lake Annual Poker Run

Lower Turtle Lake Poker Run 2022
Saturday July 23


The event will involve first purchasing a poker deck card for $5 per card. You can buy your cards at Klein’s cabin or at dock 1 at the start of the event. (You can purchase as many cards as you would like) You would then continue on to find all docks and get your card signed at each dock.

This year we are again keeping the event on the lake. You will need to submit your completed card to the gathering at Klein’s cabin. Dealing will begin at 4pm. You will draw your playing cards based on how many signatures you have. There will be prizes awarded based on best hands and 1 favorite dock. Number and amount of prizes will be determined on number of cards sold) Participants will vote on their favorite dock and may consider such things as: decorations, treats given ect. (Dock hosts do not have to decorate or hand out treats, we greatly appreciate them helping out with the event). You can park your watercraft in front of our cabin and anchor in the shallow water and walk in or drive to our cabin.

Feel free to contact me with any questions!

Kim 612-247-9536

Event Properties

Event Date 07-23-2022 3:00 pm
Individual Price Entry Fee
Location Lower Turtle Lake, WI
We are no longer accepting registration for this event
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