Lower Turtle Lake Association Annual Poker Run

LTLA Poker Run

Saturday, July 22 – 2:30 PM

Start by traveling by watercraft to one of 2 registration stations – Marv and Nancy Karth’s or Jason and Tracy Peltier’s (docks will be marked) – to pay your $5.00 per person entry fee and pick up your “sign off sheet.” Both registration stations are also stop locations.  Between the hours of 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., travel to up to 10 stop locations (docks will be marked) to have your sheet authenticated. Once finished, gather at Roxie’s Bar & Grill in Almena at 5:00 p.m. to draw cards for your poker hand.  You will be given one card for each authentication on your sheet.  The best poker hands determine the prize winners.  Cash prize amounts will be determined by the number of participants.

  • Any number of participants (age 18 and older) can be on a watercraft.

  • Each participant must pay an entry fee.

  • If any entry fee is paid so a particular person can play, that person must be on a watercraft and obtain his/her own authentications.

  • Guests of lakeshore owners are invited to play.

  • Each participant must come to Roxie’s personally at 5:00 p.m. to receive his/her cards. Participants under 21 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

    • No hands can be combined to form a better hand.

A free light evening meal will be available at Roxie’s Bar & Grill for all LTLA Poker Run participants and their guests.


Event Properties

Event Date 07-22-2017 2:30 pm
Event End Date 11-30-2015
Individual Price $5.00
Location Lower Turtle Lake, WI
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